
10 Disturbing Details of Dad Who Allegedly Drugged Daughter’s Friend’s Smoothies


10 Disturbing Details of Dad Who Allegedly Drugged Daughter’s Friend’s Smoothies

#Disturbing #Details #Dad #Allegedly #Drugged #Daughters #Friends #Smoothies

Michael Meyden, 57, faces multiple charges in Oregon after police say he put benzodiazepine in mango smoothies that he insisted his daughter’s friends drink during a sleepover at his home. One of the girls was able to text friends and family, asking to be rescued. Now, Meyden’s former co-workers are recounting odd interactions with him that seem creepy in retrospect. Law&Crime’s Jesse Weber goes through the chilling affidavit against Meyden with personal injury and sex abuse attorney David Ring.

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44 thoughts on “10 Disturbing Details of Dad Who Allegedly Drugged Daughter’s Friend’s Smoothies”

  1. No sleepovers of any kind of any reason! We were very strict about this and I really feel we avoided a lot of this kind if crappola.

  2. P Diddy was falsely accused of having young people at his house, and everyone’s been jumping on him for it. But here, you guys give this guy the benefit of the doubt, when the girls had in fact tested positive for a substance. Why the double standard?

  3. If any of those girls have legit anxiety issues, now they're addicted to benzos lol

  4. You don’t place your finger under someone’s nose to check if they’re asleep, you do it to check if they’re breathing.

  5. Just say no to sleepovers. Have friends over for dinner, play and take them home. See you tomorrow!

  6. Could it be that he drugged them to make sure they slept instead of being up giggling all night? He checked on them frequently because of the guilt and real risk of killing them with an overdose. He needs to be held to account for that real risk of killing any or all of those girls!

  7. We have slumber parties at my house all the time. We live in Germany, and my husband is a native speaker. My German is ok, but I am the one who takes care of the girls. I do play date pickups too. It’s really weird how her dad was so involved. My husband wouldn’t even think of supervising anything like that. He makes the pizza or burgers and then” he escapes “ into the man cave. This man should be charged for SA

  8. I’m sorry, I wouldn’t let my daughter go to a sleepover hosted by a man. I don’t care who that offends. I don’t care if his wife only speaks Japanese. She can’t go.

  9. If my baby girl is away for a sleepover, I would have my phone on max loud glued to my hand. How did those parents not get their girl's calls and texts? P.s. especially at a house she's never been before

  10. What a sicko! My mom never let me go to sleep overs. I remember always being so mad about that! But as an adult mom now, im glad she was stern on that

  11. If he drugged the girls, he probably drugs his wife as well so she doesn't hear & see what he's up to. His wife should get a toxicology test just in case

  12. I think it's pretty clear what his plan was. Thank goodness the one girl didn't drink hers and was able to protect her friends.

  13. This man is a creep. He’s so lucky it was not my daughter he did this to. Court wouldn’t be necessary, he wouldn’t make it there, 😡

  14. The host is being a lil too "it's not that bad ,or this is alleged or he's just accused, kinda giving me acceptance vibes🤔🤔

  15. I wonder how awful this has been for the guys daughter. Probly never get a sleepover again. She’s been hurt the most

  16. My mom was always weary of sleepovers if there was a father or older brothers in the home. You just don’t know. All of my sleepovers were allowed if I brought the girls to my house, my mom was a school official as well and well known in the community so parents always felt safe.

  17. Where's the wife? The husband is a sleazy fetishist and the wife is part of the fantasy. This is what happens when middle class parents live with their heads buried in the sand.

  18. **Could have been Temazepam also or oxazepam or nitrazepam. These are commonly used for sleep vs diazepam and Alprazalam. Lorazepam (Ativan) is another one also**

    Based on the illegal activity it could have been any one of them. Midazolam is in injectable form normally .

  19. Yea,NO telling what he was going to do to the girls if they had passed out. 😕 Gross Perv!

  20. 11:20 “let’s talk about that. . . I don’t understand the motive that would make him do this, we just don’t know”????? What Jesse, WHAT. . . WE SURE DO KNOW!!!!

    15:30 “Where is the wife”? He gave her two mango smoothies with a green straw, she was passed out 🍹+🍹= 🛌

  21. I guess dad wanted to do some facials, too. By the way, stating "the dad injected himself" might not be the preferred wording in this case.
    Anyway, the guy is definitely a smooth operator.

  22. Parents: if your kids are out overnight PLEASE have your phones on and at your bedside! Why were all the parents unreachable?!😮Unbelievable!

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