
🤬WTF! “RECORDING IS A CRIME!” Idiot Cops Breaking Rights Giving Unlawful Orders! 1st Amendment Audit


🤬WTF! “RECORDING IS A CRIME!” Idiot Cops Breaking Rights Giving Unlawful Orders! 1st Amendment Audit

#WTF #RECORDING #CRIME #Idiot #Cops #Breaking #Rights #Giving #Unlawful #Orders #1st #Amendment #Audit

🤬WTF! “RECORDING IS A CRIME!” Idiot Cops Breaking Rights Giving Unlawful Orders! 1st Amendment Audit

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Victor The AR Guy –

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criminal lawyer , 🤬WTF! “RECORDING IS A CRIME!” Idiot Cops Breaking Rights Giving Unlawful Orders! 1st Amendment Audit, audits,copwatch,cops,police interactions,police videos,cops v citizens,police v citizens,best audits,cops gets owned,police gets owned,tyrant alert,tyrant gets owned,cops get educated,audit,1a audit,city,employee,intimidation fail,cops retaliation,retaliate,walk of shame,cops don’t like cameras,stop filming,id refusal,i dont answer question,female cop,police women,cops owned,cop dismissed,first amendment audit fail,1st amendment audit fail,tyrant

50 thoughts on “🤬WTF! “RECORDING IS A CRIME!” Idiot Cops Breaking Rights Giving Unlawful Orders! 1st Amendment Audit”


    Don't forget to help these videos get out there to bring awareness to every one of their rights and help end police misconduct by hitting the Like button and leaving a comment with your thoughts on the video!

    How many civilians do you think these Cops have already violated their rights without them even knowing?
    End Qualified Immunity!

  2. It is against the law to deliberately lie about your rights, to intimidate you with the badge and gun. This nullifies qualified immunity, go to a JP.

  3. He is not able to hold his own on anything. Let this man go into retirement already 🤦‍♂️

  4. Damn the whole nation of the USA is commuting a crime for recording. THATS IT JAIL TIME FOR EVERYONE

  5. Hmmm… what law can i make up now? Shows how the cops think they're superior,HAH,they dumb as sh-t

  6. Another ignorant pig that thinks he knows something we need to get rid of these idiots. They think that they are above the law. We need to make them realize they are not above the law. We are the people that pay their salary and they think that they can just get our money and do whatever they want. We need to make them accountable in this idiot, lieutenant and he’s stupid. That’s what we need to stop.

  7. I love when old dogshit cops who couldn't run a half lap around a basketball court are still cops. DEFUND THESE FAT OLD FUCKS not all police are obese dogshit but for real gtfo. You cant even run to catch a criminal… it amazes me citys dont put these rolly pollis in a permanent office spot at the station.

  8. Everything he said is a lie and he doesnt care. Another normal day with all law enforement

  9. He is just a tyrant that wants to force his will onto the people and threaten arrest if you don't do what he wants. If you have not noticed, the blue line gangsters hate the constitution and the people who exercise their rights and freedoms. It stands in their way of their treatment of the people such as demanding ID when it's not required or arresting you if you refuse to talk to them. Sure, the blue line gangsters swear an oath to uphold and protect the constitution but it's just words to collect a paycheck. 99 out of 100 cops will violate their oath and the peoples rights within the first week of pinning on that badge

  10. He sounded so out of breath just walking up to him. How is he a cop??? Did they just get rid of the fitness tests?

  11. This cop is violating his oath and is a criminal of the people. But he and his brothers are above the law.

  12. Bruh! I wish it was uneducated the reality is he was probably trained to treat civs like this

  13. He took a oath to violate the constitution and wage war on freedom and the American people

  14. Hahaha hahahaha old cop has his hands in his pockets to hold up his diaper up from sliding down

  15. Haha 😂😂😂 I told you older cop are the stupidest when it comes to knowing anything about laws or the constitution, they are from the stone age when they thought they were law and anything they say is law 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  16. Stop training these uneducated, violent, corrupt cops to lie. They lie enough without being coached. We need to change and update this broken system of protection and serve. They do neither they bully cheat lie. Everything they took an oath to protect the public from .shamless self-hating bad people.

  17. 70 year old dipshit that’s probably been a copper for 40 years that hasn’t got a scooby doo, so it’s not just the new recruits that don’t know the law or abide by your constitution….

  18. Think what you just said copper just cause that’s the way you want it to be doesn’t mean it’s right and you can do it

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