


lawyers near me , 🤑✨🙄


20 thoughts on “🤑✨🙄”

  1. You should definitely ask and your friend should respect you for it. But she should be paying for it all since she invited.

  2. I have a super rich uncle. There is no relationship between us because it is not for the "poor relations" to reach out to the rich ones; they will only assume that you have your eyes on their money.

  3. Ask. But i dont think she should pay unless there is an understanding. Why are you mentioning family finances for a birthday when you guys are in your 30s. If you cant cover it just tell your friend

  4. If you don’t want $h|t just ask! A friend should accept your honesty. But etiquette states: if somebody invites you to come with them, they will pay.

  5. Better now then when the bill comes. If you have concerns for the cost and she is making the plans absolutely ask her. Plans can be changed if need be but once you are sitting down that gets a lot harder

  6. Tell her you simply cannot afford that kind of getaway and would never assume that someone else pay your way. And go from there. It would also be a great way to make sure she understands that you make less money and have no financial fall back, so future outings are understood

  7. Better to be upfront than ruin your friendship over money.. if she is your real friend, she will understand and either choose a cheaper option or offer to pay herself.

  8. Basically, if I invite someone at some point and do not specify that the costs are shared, especially if the financial situation is so different, then it is an invitation, so the person inviting pays for everything

  9. Nope. Ask her and if she wants you to pay then tell her she will have to choose a cheaper restaurant

  10. Communication is important. If she is friendly enough with you to invite you to a 'bestie vacay', that she planned btw, she should have planned out the cost or at least ran it by you.

  11. We’re not gonna talk about how this entire situation sounds like the plot to a romcom?

  12. Next time she gets invited, she should say "Oh you gotta give me more notice than that, I need a few months to save up for that"

    If her friend wants to pay for things, she'd say "No need to save up, I'm paying"

    If not, the friend would say "Aw, okay I'll let you know when we can reschedule it to"

  13. Nope ask away. I've been in those types of situations. Just figure out who is paying for what. It's better than starting a fight because of misunderstanding

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