
🚨 Trump attorney hit with BRUTAL news


#Trump #attorney #hit #BRUTAL #news

Democracy Watch episode 140: Marc Elias discusses action taken against a Trump attorney in Wisconsin.


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50 thoughts on “🚨 Trump attorney hit with BRUTAL news”

  1. If the law isn’t updated, this nonsense will continue because the magats are desperate. All gaps need to be identified and closed to prevent this.

  2. I learned from a vet that if you discipline your dog hours after they did something wrong then the punishment loses effect over time. Same goes for these situations, 3 years of escaping accountability is far too long!

  3. Hopefully wisconsin failure to act 2 or 3 years ago on this problem and the fake electors has finally been approved. Certainly not a question of our republican legislature finally growing a spine or applying morals.

  4. Trump know his goose is cook if he loose the election. But the American people's will serve him a turd.

  5. Depending on any body to policy itself is foolish. Whether it it Doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, or industry. Anytime a body is left to policy itself it is a complete and absolute failure.

  6. If someone cheats in order to win something, they are immediately disqualified, and if they were given any winnings they have to give it back. Trump cheated in 2016, which allowed Republicans to win nearly-complete control of the judicial system. They have to give back what they stole. Unless this is the Twilight Zone, in which case, whatever.

  7. As a specialist in NLP and Hypnotic Marketing, I beg of you to consistently use A LARGE LANGUAGE LABEL whenever referring to 45. You know it is about exposure and repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, unification of repetition, unification of repetition, and more repetition…. He needs to be constantly referred to as the TWICE IMPEACHED, DISGRACED, 34 FELONY CONVICTIONS BY JURY, SEXUAL ABUSE/RAPIST FOUND GUILTY BY 2 JURIES, 6 BANKRUPT BUSINESS FAILURE, GUILTY OF FRAUD IN NY AND OWES OVER $500 MILLION FOR SUCH, FACING AT LEAST 54 ADDITIONAL FELONY CHARGES THAT INCLUDE INSURRECTION, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, STEALING OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT SECRET DOCUMENTS, AND RACKETEERING, AMONG OTHER FELONY CHARGES. My suggestion is to have your show and the MTN and MSNBC folks concerned about saving our democracy co-create a public contest asking viewers to ORDER their choices of abuses, charges, convictions, and frauds and begin posting some of the lists as submitted by viewers every week or more. This needs to rise rapidly through public awareness…and grow exponentially. On the counterpoint, ask viewers to present priority lists of Biden's accomplishments for America.

  8. Outside of someone in the mafia, I’ve never heard of anyone having so many people in their orbit, with so much criminality. I’m so tired of this corrupt GOP/Trump.

  9. 1:28 to 2:28 minutes:
    With characteristic brilliance, Marc takes exactly one minute to summarise the Republican strategy to derail democracy in the US.

  10. FAKE NEWS…Your so called Democracy is the same as Communism…Anyone who goes after their opponent in an Election with FAKE NEWS is Communist you LOSERS…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. I’m still not getting your news on a daily basis 😢went thru hitting the bell and hopefully I will get your news

  12. 2:39 — Democrats ARE the only Progressives. True Blue Democrats (the true Progressives) passed FEDERALLY recognized marriage equality/gay marriage. Thank you true Progressive DEMOCRAT President Obama! Non-Democrat Independent 3rd Partier Bernie Sanders voted in the critical window so individual states can decide whether or NOT to have gay marriage in their state, just like a Republican. 4/26/24: True Progressive Democrat President Biden restores health protections for gay and transgender people: Biden Administration Health and Human Services Department finalizes rule prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, reversing hate mongering, discriminatory Republican Trump policy.

  13. Trump lawyers who have been indicted/charged/pled guilty:

    ● Republican Rudy Giuliani. Republican Giuliani’s law license is going to be suspected.

    ● Republican John Eastman. Republican John Eastman’s law license suspected.

    ● Republican Michael Cohen.

    ● Republican Sidney Powell.

    ● Republican Kenneth Chesebro.

    ● Republican Jenna Ellis. Republican Jenna Ellis’ law license suspected.

    ● Republican Ray Smith.

    ● Republican Robert Cheeley.

    ● Republican Jim Troupis felony count of forgery, fake 2020 Trump electors, aiding Trump to steal the 2020 election.

  14. Reality is fun: ● No one indicted under Democrat President Biden's administration.

    ● No one indicted under Democrat President Obama's administration.

    ● No one indicted in Former 1st Lady of the United States Democrat Hillary Clinton's Campaign.

    ● Republican President Reagan most corrupt, 2nd only to Trump: 138 officials convicted, indicted, criminal violations.

    ● Massive indictments in Republican president Trump's sordid administration. Trump impeached twice. Trump has a formal jury verdict of sexual abuser in the E. Jean Carroll sexual abuse and defamation case. Republican Trump committed deliberate election interference influencing voters by paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about the affair he had with her behind his wife, Melania’s back, again, directly influencing said 2016 election, of which is in direct violation of federal campaign laws.

  15. Simple.
    Democrats Blink.
    Republicans DON'T
    Its just that Simple.
    Dems whine; AFTER the fact.
    MAGA just throws spaghetti, until something gives.

    That is WHY there is so many Independents.

  16. Tough break, take your licks, wise up , move on and try to make better judgement when selecting your clients..

  17. It seems any attorney that has worked for trump should be investigated for Criminal Behaviors. And held for ACCOUNTABILITY to the Utmost Degree ASAP! There must be a way to have ‘Judge cannon’ to be investigated. Nows actions and past. Anybody this CORRUPT must have a past?? YES????

  18. I think @PresidentJoeBiden and his advisors should do something about Merrick Garland 🤬 We need a tough and willing to act fast legal eagle. NO MORE PANDERING TO THE CRIMINAL MADNESS. 🇺🇸

  19. .=====>  
    Enhance Your Satisfaction …. By Understanding Your Existence …. Se arch EXISTNC

  20. Why do people want to try to help a man who always gets them in trouble ? Will his cult never learn ?

  21. An anticorruption law for lawyers! Look at how many broke the laws, but still walk the streets! All Trump's cronies! Guilliani, Habba, Cannon on and on and on! Thomas, alito, Robert. The founding writers of the constitution messed up when it came to Supreme Court justices! There needs term limits! Cannon is pitiful example of the law in Florida district and federal system! That's not what the founders, writers meant! The Republicans gop are maga cult!

  22. You got the red light in your text, you got the stolen thumbnail, why isn't your channel doing better; you got it all

  23. Orient overseas container line /a shipping company from China we foot the bill for with there no payment of tax to us and cyber fraud / billions of gush money but these people pick on the x president of the USA get back the billions of hush money from these they never should of been a trail

  24. Literally every government administration from the lower levels all the way to the SC are infiltrated by some variety of the maga cult and/or every flavour of trump sycophant. It is a monumental, perhaps insurmountable problem, in all likelihood far more dangerous and insidious than foreign influencers because in too many cases these are domestic manipulators who's malfeasance goes unchecked and is conducted in the full light of day. Their nefarious deeds while largely invisible or unnoticed ( and ignored in large part by a lame DOJ), have brought the US to the present point where laws and norms are repeatedly being abused or side stepped while manipulative lawyers and corrupt judges are paving the way to a nihilistic pattern of ruling that defies protocol and any sense of reasonable conduct. And its all slowly, in pieces, coming into perspective only several months away from what surely has to be the most important election in the recent history of the US. Problem is, the barn door's have been open for too long and the horses are long out of the gate. Looks like an overwhelmingly strong blue vote may be the countrie's last chance to save itself from a potential catastrophe under a second trump presidency.

  25. FJB…. HA HA … Everywhere he goes all he hears is this chant… And a few lefty losers crying…. MAGA… TRUMP 2024


  27. They need to all have their license suspended permanently for those involved! They wont stop these attacks until there are real consequences. They have to pick up the pace to stop this mess before it's to late.

  28. Trump and MAGA have done you a favour by highlighting how undemocratic your great country has become. The stitching up of jobs for friends and the like has been going on for too long. Trump has shown what can happen if the corruption goes too far. Your two party political system needs to open up.

  29. Corruption, corruption, corruption. Laws made by corrupt lawyers who take government positions to make laws to protect themselves. Time for a totally different government, a real democracy.

  30. The comments about where Democrats focus vs Republican is key. We need to broaden our perspective and focus to include a much wider range of decision making and accountability.

  31. There was a discussion on an earlier episode about how insane it is that a felony conviction doesn't disqualify someone from holding the office of the Presidency, or any other federal office.

    If, and fate forbid, IF Trump did win the election, but Democrats won the majority in the House and the Senate, could Congress, when they're sworn in on January 3rd immediately pass legislation disqualifying convicted felons from holding office and thereby deny Trump the White House and re-elect Joe Biden by default that way?

    I think a Constitutional Amendment might be necessary?

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