
🚨 Trump attorney commits FATAL MISTAKE at trial


🚨 Trump attorney commits FATAL MISTAKE at trial

#Trump #attorney #commits #FATAL #MISTAKE #trial

The Legal Breakdown episode 266: @GlennKirschner2 discusses Trump attorney Todd Blanche’s disastrous show cause hearing with Judge Merchan over Trump’s gag order.

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criminal lawyer , 🚨 Trump attorney commits FATAL MISTAKE at trial, Brian Tyler Cohen,Trump,Republicans,Democrats,brian cohen,politics,news,trump trial,trump gag order

24 thoughts on “🚨 Trump attorney commits FATAL MISTAKE at trial”

  1. I wish somebody could explain why tfg continues to violate the gag order and laughs at the court on his way out the door. Enough is enough already. Throw him in jail until the trial is over. We can call it practice for the big house.😂

  2. Trump threw Cohen under the bus, then Trump threatened Cohen's family and made sure he was put in prison, THEN while in prison Trump for spite directed that Cohen be put in Solitary Confinement! I say DO THE SAME TO TRUMP, he is the one that calls the shots "nothing gets done in Trump world without Trump directing it!" Let Trump feel the coldness of the walls and floors.

  3. One thing that’s encouraging to hear is that the Secret Service is now talking with the BOP and the Judge about how to incarcerate him.

  4. Merchan needs to jail him. I dare him to jail him. There has been nothing yet. Not even a time out.

  5. Look, when Trump has made a whole business out of suckers giving him money, of course he'd take the fines over jail.

  6. Glenn is amazingly convincing. Great job both. This trial will make history. Trump is a burglar of democracy and quite a danger for as domestic than international peace. Thank you for your explanations.

  7. Hello from Germany to you two! It’s so teaching what you tell about the way Trump and the whole universe around him are trying to make the cosmos as they think it should be and is supporting for them. Following the trial and the whole story about Trump for a German is not believable. I always ask myself: who is Trump to be the only possible person to be a republican candidate for presidency for a so big and important country like America. If he could get president again, the first period was already a mistake, everything America and his democratic system would have a big damage of reputation and leadership. I travel to the United States quite oftenand I love the country and the contrast in some aspects to Europe. But what the republicans do to the whole country by still holding on to Trump is incredible, hopefully the people that have the power to vote will make the right decision. One last thing: I believe that every two legislatures to have a change on the top position is a good thing. Life isn’t black or white but the nuances are important and people get the very important feeling that their issues are relevant and oh wonder: either republicans nor the democrats ruined the country during their time of power. Since Trump it’s just hell or heaven, omg.

  8. Seems if you work for DJT, you've lost your life for a golden idol. Losing their dignity because of the snake makes no sense .

  9. Glenn Kirschner deserves & implicitly commands all of the respect that should be inherently required in any Court of Law.
    He is the polar opposite of the obnoxiously REVOLTING defendant "Nellie the Elephant (Trump-Trump-Trump)" : : who deserves absolutely no genuine respect,
    beyond minimal, conventional, courtesy.

  10. If Trump can run his mouth off on gag orders then he can pay the bonds, if he can pay the bonds but doesn't this has to be jail time.

  11. He violated the gag order 10 fucking times, and we're still gonna start with fines?! For fucks sake, he should have been fined on the first and second offense in increasing amount, and then jailed for the third. I am still absolutely baffled that we are taking our sweet ass time on this. What does he have to do to get jailed for this, scream obscenities directly in the judge's face while spitting on him? We're sick if waiting. Can his ass already.

  12. Figures an idiot would hire an idiot. He can't control his client, he tried to testify for his client, his client is making a fool of all of his lawyers. If they ask the judge for anything outside the specific rules of litigation, he's going to deny them. Trump thinks this is winning him political points. How many points do you get if you're sitting in Rikers with no access to the internet for the rest of the campaign Donald? My kids had better self control when they were five than Diaper Don has.

  13. Hmmm… VERY likely that a man that doesn't pay his bills to contractors for work done writes checks for $30k without knowing what it is for. #facepalm

  14. If the judge is looking up the caselaw himself, he needs to charge the defense lawyer for legal services.
    I'd love to see the judge come back and say, "Okay, first things first. Mr. Blanche, here is an itemized bill for the legal services I had to perform on your behalf. You will notice the hourly rate I have charged you is exactly the same rate you charge your clients for, so you can say my rates are unfair. I will expect payment of this bill in not more than 1 month from today…"
    It would be even better if the judge filed a small claims case against the lawyer. That would make a great episode for People's Court.

  15. GAG order? this trial is a witch hunt! horrible, I'm voting republican for the first time in my life because of they hypocrisy in the democrat party, the horrible use our justice system to impact an election, and the freaking weird democrat party policies

  16. If he was going to do anything he would have given him a fine on the first violation and sent him to jail on the second

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