
🚨 Supreme Court To NUKE Trump Criminal Cases? | Trump VINDICATED | Biden Regime PANICS


🚨 Supreme Court To NUKE Trump Criminal Cases?  | Trump VINDICATED | Biden Regime PANICS

#Supreme #Court #NUKE #Trump #Criminal #Cases #Trump #VINDICATED #Biden #Regime #PANICS

Is the Supreme Court going to Nuke the Biden cases against Trump?


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criminal law , 🚨 Supreme Court To NUKE Trump Criminal Cases? | Trump VINDICATED | Biden Regime PANICS, Benny Johnson,Benny,TPUSA,Charlie Kirk,Steven Crowder,TimCast,Brandon Tatum,Breaking,Just in,News,Politics,Cancelled,Woke,Go woke Go broke,Trump,Elon Musk,Joe Biden,Republican,Donald Trump,Election

21 thoughts on “🚨 Supreme Court To NUKE Trump Criminal Cases? | Trump VINDICATED | Biden Regime PANICS”

  1. First question by tje judge, are you a democrat?- yes go straight to not guilty and no trial needed

  2. I join many all over the world, to wish Melania Trump a happy birthday and greater day s ahead.May God's covering continue to be upon you and your family.

  3. The reason that lawyer wouldn't say that a president can't be tried for holding a protest is because they're already preparing to protest when Trump wins by a landslide. Everything they accuse Trump of wanting to do if he becomes president is things they've already done or would like to do.

  4. Besides the point he has been exposed of being incompetent degenerate… all of his accolades of his entire life have come down to this crucial moment before the Supreme Court

    Also an insult to people his age as they should know better but then again, money & Democratic Party can make you look like a pathetic fool.

    (Also Dreeben is gay or has debated it within himself at some point in his life.)

  5. What would happen if Trump goes to prison? Would the court wave his right to secret service protection? This is the craziest case in US history.

  6. is Michael Dreeban an old transexual? because he sounds very feminine. – I'm asking for a friend.

  7. None of those other actual criminal Presidents were named Donald John Trump!
    Selective political prosecution of Trump opens the door wide open to prosecute Biden and Obama.
    What's sauce for the goose….!

  8. Must be only Democratic President's dont go to Federal Prison. And how about Bill Clinton and that woman Monica giving him a bj? Why isn't he in court? Wasn't that hushed up, too? He should be in court also.

  9. I hate the democrats for what they're doing to present donald trump. The fake news I didn't see one channel on T V, that shows Bidens bumbling Bidens. Making all those mistakes constantly. Not knowing where he's at the news doesn't show that. That's why I hate CNN in m. Yes. N b c A b c in n b c. They're the mouthpiece for the democrats.

  10. Who ever you are make no sense you are just an idiot killing is ok but peaceful marches is criminal go to bed and wake your conscience

  11. Happy Birthday, Melania! We celebrate you today, hoping that in time, you will be celebrated the way you should always be. You are a woman of class and intelligence, and the American public knows this about you and respects you for your grace in horrible times. Show them how it’s done, Ma’am! A lot of people stand with you.

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