
🚨 Supreme Court Ready To NUKE Trump Criminal Cases?! | Tom Fitton Responds


🚨 Supreme Court Ready To NUKE Trump Criminal Cases?! | Tom Fitton Responds

#Supreme #Court #Ready #NUKE #Trump #Criminal #Cases #Tom #Fitton #Responds

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch sounds off on the Supreme Court Oral arguments on the Trump immunity case


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criminal law , 🚨 Supreme Court Ready To NUKE Trump Criminal Cases?! | Tom Fitton Responds, Benny Johnson,Benny,TPUSA,Charlie Kirk,Steven Crowder,TimCast,Brandon Tatum,Breaking,Just in,News,Politics,Cancelled,Woke,Go woke Go broke,Trump,Elon Musk,Joe Biden,Republican,Donald Trump,Election

38 thoughts on “🚨 Supreme Court Ready To NUKE Trump Criminal Cases?! | Tom Fitton Responds”

  1. In Australia i can't see much difference between USA Joe Biden and our priminister albo! Look at all the dumb things Biden has done and many of them are mirrored here. I remind the world audience that albo is of the labour party left faction and dislikes conservatives!

  2. SCOTUS needs to get their Act together and cut to the chase- look back through history early 1800s ? Which shows it isn’t a Crime to question outcome of elections. Also why is SCOTUS overlooking whether JS has authority to prosecute ????? SMH from Across the Miles

  3. Hey Benny Tom wasn’t really interested in your thoughts of Ted Cruz being Ag. I’m not either he flip flops. Not a strong person for that position

  4. The Australian PM is our Biden equivalent. Australians are very embarrassed and hope to punt this champagne socialist at the next election.

  5. As an Australian I can say he doesn't speak for anyone I know. He's just another one of those useless elites who told lies to get the power over others and change the demographics of the country.

  6. Regardless we the people see what's going on it's get us for any little thing we do wrong but don't touch the life long criminal politicians …. fuck that they better do something about them before we the people say fuck em all totally clean house top to bottom and then the yard and everywhere else….

  7. If Obama is not prosecuted by our government, the citizen patriots will do the job, televised for all to see as they do in Arab nations. Punishment will be the same also. Allah willing!

  8. Best thing that could happen is stop all the influence peddling. Thats how all these politicians are getting rich. Serving the people is not on there list of priorities 😢😢😢.


  10. I think it is also about having the Attorney General and the 3-letter agencies running the country, neutering the President. These appointed agents will tell the President what to do, run the teleprompter.

  11. I think the fact Trump didn't try to have Hillary thrown in jail and the fact the Democrats are trying to throw Trump in jail shows the integrity of each side

  12. 1st off – Just on the basis of human rights violations – Ban the Democratic Party for being associated with the KKK and Segregation just like a certain German Fascist Political Party in WW2.

  13. My favourite part of the whole hearing was Justice Alito was cross examining the lawyer about what lawyer was saying about the Grand Jury process, Justice Alito was like , that don't mean much, you can indite a ham sandwich he say .

  14. People weren't very favourable from what Justice Amy Comey Barratt say , that she would vote in favour of President Trump's case made, but i think the way she was asking about the state part, bringing in the state issues, like in Georgia and in new York to me seemed favourable that she was thinking of immunity .

  15. Trumps next AG must be dedicated to the constitution more than politics. Someone who recognizes this witch hunt for what it is and is constantly calling those executing it out for the treason they are committing. His next AG needs to be a non establishment politician. Ted Cruz doesn’t meet any of these criteria.

  16. I think it was one of the " liberal " Justices, I'm not sure , maybe im wrong, but one of the Justices, said the famous line from history , show me the man , i will show you the crime , that gives hope that they think it is wrong.

  17. Trump didn’t prosecute Hillary because he believed he could bring the country together. He didn’t realize how deep the swamp is…

  18. See, Benny you now heard from Tom Fitton that it wasn’t like Trump didn’t want to prosecute Hilary or let her off the hook in his 1st term but because the RINO AG Jeff Session was trying to protect Hilary! I’ve been listening to your show for quite some time, you’ve mentioned dozen of times that you felt Trump made a vital mistake by NOT holding Hilary accountable in his 1st term. But I know my president has been hands-tied at his back in WH dealing with RINOS & rats from DC swamp. 🐀🦏 I don’t think anyone else could’ve done better than Trump in the swampy environment for America FIRST and for We The People! Stand with Trump all the way, Trump 2024, save America! 💥✊🇺🇸❤

  19. Why wasn’t Obama tried for all of the drone strikes in his first year he had more than Bushes whole term

  20. Why is Tom Fitton trying to act like he’s very sexy? This is a serious situation and I don’t find him sexy even if he has a tie on so he needs to knock it off.

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