
🚨 Supreme Court Ready To NUKE ALL Trump Criminal Cases?! | Federal Prosecutor Responds


🚨 Supreme Court Ready To NUKE ALL Trump Criminal Cases?! | Federal Prosecutor Responds

#Supreme #Court #Ready #NUKE #Trump #Criminal #Cases #Federal #Prosecutor #Responds

Former Federal Prosecutor Brett Tolman thinks it was a good day for Donald Trump at the Supreme Court – Will Trump’s cases be thrown out?


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37 thoughts on “🚨 Supreme Court Ready To NUKE ALL Trump Criminal Cases?! | Federal Prosecutor Responds”

  1. Yes. They have to step in. Nobody known in human history has had to endure such cruel and unusual treatment by, really anybody under the circumstances.

  2. Oh, what a bunch of bull. Claiming an election is rigged is NOT a personal, criminal action. An election isn't a personal issue! It has to do with running the government, for heaven sakes! Dang, we end up in all thees idiotic, no-brainer arguments every damn time no-brainers (dems, in other words) are involved. Sickeningly pathetic!

  3. When all that Ukraine money gets laundered back to Dems. Only to pay for lawyers to go after Trump

  4. A president is immune from prosecution from official acts. Questioning an election is an official act.

  5. The saying a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich is totally wrong. Thay would indict a ham sandwich missing the ham and the bread.

  6. The only way these lawfare trials will end is to remove the qualified immunity from prosecutors so that they can be severely punished for abuse of power. We need to erode the laws that are the basis for prosecutor immunity.

  7. 00:03: ⚖️ Supreme Court prosecutor discusses legal implications of ongoing proceedings against a political figure.
    4:16: 🔥 Supreme Court Justices express concern over potential consequences of ruling on Justice Department integrity and abuse of power.
    8:14: ⚖️ Discussion on prosecutors' mentality of charging cases without strong evidence and the need to uphold Trump's immunity.
    12:30: ⚖️ Supreme Court discusses past presidential actions, including coups and regime changes, in relation to potential prosecution.
    16:46: ⚖️ Government abuse of power highlighted in founding principles, contrasting with modern beliefs in government intervention.
    20:29: ⚖️ Prosecuting Joe Biden and other Democrat leaders for illegal border actions is necessary for upholding American law.
    24:36: ⚖️ Immunity laws protecting prosecutors hinder accountability, leading to unchecked misconduct and lack of consequences.

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  8. They are " reading his mind " and determining his guilt. They are now locking up innocent people deliberately.

  9. God is exposing these evil people in the democrats parties they killing this country and Americans citizens are waking up now if loses this time I'll country are done nobody See's what this president is doing he put illegal imergrant before united states'of America citizens how can you put Biden in the white house y'all crazy.

  10. I listened to a lot of this today. Ketanji Brown is a clown and should be impeached. I predict an 8-1 decision for Trump. Possibly 6-3, but Soto and the Kaegan sounded semi hostile to me.

  11. The Military already executed the genuine Joe Biden before Jan 21 2021 with a clamper America flag and a 10 gun salute. The current Joe Biden is just a body double.

  12. I will say more stridently what the guest said: PAYBACK HAS TO BE A LIVING B*TCH! N O M O R E H I G H E R G R O U N D B S! PAYBACK IN KIND!

  13. Even the enemies of Donald Trump know that all of these lawsuits are just political roadblocks aimed to discourage, badger, humiliate, drain his finances, and assure the democrats unfettered road to dictatorship. The very projection the LEFT has painted Trump, and anyone that supports him; all the fear mongering, claims that he will rule with an iron fist, that he is likened to a Hitler, a Stalin, a Mao Tse tung, Moussolini, and would do to them as they are doing to him and us. Their heart is corrupt, and they are the very wicked they label him.

  14. Interesting that your guest mentioned the late Senator Ted Stevens' corrupt prosecution years ago. The US prosecutor's misconduct was stunning even by today's low standards and it was all about swinging Senator Steven's re-election. They used a witness with no credibility to offer up "damming" testimony only to have a judgement against the Senator. With that, Ted's re election was lost (BARELY, he still swung tremendous popularity in Alaska) and the demoncraps got thier way and rid the senate of a very influential man. He served his country and the State of Alaske with honor, and left behind shoes that are still yet to be filled.
    And so, after the election Eric Holder just tosses out the case. Just like that. It was "discovered" the witness giving the tainted testimony was well know by the prosecution to be tainted, a minor detail that was with held by the prosecution from the defense council. And for all that, wrecking the reputation of a very good man, swinging the balance of power in the US Senate (election interference) and the dirty prosecutor's employment continued on.
    DOJ's reputation will never be salvaged.

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