
🚨 Cohen and TOP Watergate Prosecutor on TAKING DOWN Criminal Presidents | Mea Culpa


🚨 Cohen and TOP Watergate Prosecutor on TAKING DOWN Criminal Presidents | Mea Culpa

#Cohen #TOP #Watergate #Prosecutor #Criminal #Presidents #Mea #Culpa

We welcome back to Mea Culpa the prolific, Jill Wine-Banks. Jill appears regularly as an MSNBC Legal Analyst. She has written numerous OpEds for, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Politico, and the Huffington Post, to name a few. Wine-Banks was formerly a U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor specializing in Organized Crime. And was one of only three Assistant Watergate Special Prosecutors. She later wrote a book about it, “Watergate Girl …My Fight for Truth and Justice Against a Criminal President”. And congratulations are in order, Jill’s popular intergenerational podcast with Victor Shi, called IGen Politics, just celebrated their 4th anniversary. And don’t miss her on the excellent podcast, “Sisters in Law”. We have a lot to discuss with Ms. Wine Banks.

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33 thoughts on “🚨 Cohen and TOP Watergate Prosecutor on TAKING DOWN Criminal Presidents | Mea Culpa”

  1. Michael please stay calm and act like tiny doesn’t bother you, so he can’t say you did or said something he can use against you! You are doing the right thing by standing up to him. He hates things like that. He wants people to be by his side so he can use it against them! So, I’m still praying for you and your family. I’m from Oneida New York, and you know New Yorkers stand together and behind each other for what is right! Love you Michael for the way you don’t back down from nothing! So hoping that he gets locked up soon! Michael do you think this judge will have enough backbone to put him behind bars? I sure hope so. Blessings to you and your family and everyone at Meidas Touch💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

  2. Micheal – just a little well-intentioned tip! 😊 Especially when you speak the advertisement, it would be better, if you spoke in your normal voice and didn't emphasize it so much. It would come across much more effectively and better! I wish you the very best – especially for your testimony!🤗🤗🤗😘

  3. America won’t be able to see the difference between its citizens and Maga terrorists either!!!

  4. You have compared the Gaza strip to the American Indians yes they were here first but we took the land so that we can grow our country maybe the best thing that could happen is a compromise let the Palestinians have the Gaza strip as their own country and Israel will be its own country but it will stop the bloodbath also I know Israel has a secret service why can't they just infiltrate the Hamas territory and weed out Hamas from the civilians it has been done before and it so much easier than all the people that are suffering now the world has been built on compromise I think it's time that Israel realizes compromise will save many lives and stop fighting a battle that is only going to destroy both people

  5. Thank you for a lot of Clarity to the issue of what is going on in Gaza. Please thank you for keeping us informed about all the issues you do. 😊

  6. Most of the students don’t believe the media. America has for too long turned a blind eye toward Palestinian oppression by Israel. Full Stop

    I have Muslim family members who believe HAMAS is really IDF.

    I know what I would like to believe but also realize the closest I have ever been to Gaza or the West Bank has been provided by Al Jazeera. and browsing that subject from Istanbul twice for a month in 2015 and 2017.

    American media hides Israeli Crimes. Remember Rachel Corrie? How about Alan Rickman? They are great examples of my point of view.

    Now let’s f it all up as we reflect on Jared Kushner a nephew of Benjamin Netanyahu was paid $200,000,000.00. USD by MBS for Israeli access to Pegasus IMEI tracking data of Jamal Khashoggi’s cell phone, this is how they knew he’d be at the Saudi Embassy in Türkiye! Why? He was getting married and needed his country of birth to provide documentation and rather than going to Saudi Arabia he thought he was safe in Türkiye not realizing what PEGASUS IS, and probably hadn’t connected Kushner to Bibi either. He of course found out the hard way and was cut into pieces and dissolved in a barrel of lye.

  7. Why does she think that the land originally/ belonged to the Jewish people and not the Palestinians?

  8. I think there is a push on some social media platforms. I wonder what countries are promoting these messages. Wheres the outcry for Ukraine or Yemen?

  9. Jill is 81. Jill is educated, experienced, brilliant and fabulous. No one could ever claim that she is "too old." Intelligence and experience matter.

  10. You can debate a hypothetical. Or you can try a case. But you can't try a hypothetical.

  11. You can debate a hypothetical. Or you can try a case. But you can't try a hypothetical.

  12. So…25 minutes on Israel and all the wrong takes. Change your thumbnail if you have to discuss Israel.

  13. Excellent information on this episode! Thank you, Michael! Stay strong! 💪💙🇺🇲🗳💙🌊🌊

  14. I agree with Jill WB, I also marched in the 60s and 70s. I wish the children on these campuses could understand it only takes a second and your life can change forever, Kent State will always remain one of the reasons my generation grieves. We were marching for civil rights, women's rights and we were objects of the draft. I don't know but destroying the library at Portland State University and the other destructive actions of these young people who don't even know what they are screaming about. seems ugly and thoughtless. We didn't destroy the very institutions that helps one understand the truth. I also wonder that there aren't outside instigators.

    Also Scotus lost my respect years ago, they are a corrupt group who's machinations are making the worst decisions I have ever seen any group of people ever.

  15. Excellent information on this episode! Thank you, Michael! Stay strong! 💪💙🇺🇲🗳💙🌊🌊

  16. Learning that Zionism ≠ Judaism seems to be difficult for ALL "so-called" liberals who've been forced to face their thoughtless collusion in the Israeli pogrom against Palestinians. Israel is a false Zion created by the antisemite western world to be rid of Jewish refugees from oppression. Now the imperialist Moloch is loose and our responsibility is clear. Ignoring the history of land theft and ethnic cleansing that forms the skeleton of Israel is unforgivably stupid.


  18. Cohen is so right about MG. He would have made a great Justice. Fair and not quick to act, but that’s exactly why he’s too ineffective as an AG. He should have brought all these charges years ago. Trump basically even said as much. All these cases won’t even go before the courts until after the election.

  19. Sharting sociopath 4 the slammer. Save America and make us a country of laws. Justice for ALL shouldn't be a joke.

  20. Love these podcasts. Michael Cohen would make an awesome voiceover for a funny animation movie.

  21. Young Americans are very much intune with what is going on around the world. Personally I am glad to see the young college kids out there protesting Israel/Palestine war. In my opinion the Prime Minister of Israel should resign or be voted out.He is not doing what is in the best interest of the Israeli people. Genocide under any name is wrong.

  22. Stealing peoples land then getting pissed when they fight back is absurd. Its genocide.

  23. There is an Arab Genocide going on in Gaza and in Palestine? Is it wrong, to protest against this outrage? What will History say – about this "unfortunate" situation? WAKE UP!

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