
🚨 Cohen and Attorney AT Trump Trial REVEAL What REALLY Went Down… | Mea Culpa


#Cohen #Attorney #Trump #Trial #REVEAL #Mea #Culpa

I can’t think of a better guest for today’s episode than my good friend Norm Eisen. And when I say good friend, I mean it. This man believed in me when many did not. He has encouraged me since the beginning of this journey to take a stand and continue to tell the truth… which makes perfect sense because Norm is a senior fellow in Governance Studies at Brookings and an expert on law, ethics, and anti-corruption. He was also President Obama’s “Ethics Czar” and Ambassador to the Czech Republic. Eisen’s reports and articles for the Brookings Institute and elsewhere have definitively made the case for why Trump and his band of criminal conspiracists represent a clear and present danger to democracy. Eisen is a regular Legal Analyst on CNN and the founder and executive chair of “States United Democracy Center”, a nonpartisan organization advancing free, fair, and secure elections. Few have Eisen’s understanding of Trump’s legal trials and travails.

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32 thoughts on “🚨 Cohen and Attorney AT Trump Trial REVEAL What REALLY Went Down… | Mea Culpa”

  1. The only way to make sure nothing like this happens again is to idiot proof the constitution. End all lifetime appointments and station special investigations on justices and family. No longer just the ethics of the government worker judge through president but spouses will be held equally accountable and can cause impeachment. It’s time that the ones with the most responsibility be held to the highest standards of ethics.

  2. Michael Cohen hit that one on the head exactly it’s the media obsession with Trump. The only reason why he still in the race, take him out of the race and nobody’s interested anymore. it’s cynical but very true.

  3. Michael I keep hearing you state the negative comments about Biden. If you think that's defending President Biden, you're mistaken. Then you turn around and say how much Trump's donors are giving to that jerk! Listen to yourself. It comes off negatively. If you like President Biden act like it! We all know President Biden is a good man and shows he cares about us! We are the people! 7:28

  4. I agree with Michael I have for a long time.
    The the polls have been manipulated.
    And they say what Trump.
    Wants them to say so it coordinates with.
    Scenario if he loses. That everything was rigged

  5. I'm grateful living in Canada with a dual citizenship from a Easter European country. Watching what is going on in the USA, I can only wonder how the citizens supporting the MAGA movement can be so brain-dead as not to see their would-like-to-be-leader Trump intends to take away their freedom they so much yearn for. He wants to be the tyrant he says he will be if elected. Can't they understand the consequences? Do they really want a demented criminal for president?

  6. Thanks! Pressing on for the love of justice…and democracy! We believe in you….the leadership, the decency and integrity of the movements against the man who spreads the rotten virus of lies and deception in the expense of the America people.

  7. Thank You Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels for testifying against Trump you both did an AWASOME job👍💙👍💙👍💙

  8. The electoral collegr better not get bought off this time. They screwed America over in 2016.

  9. #45 cannot serve in the WH, so how can he "win". Doesn't matter how many votes be gets he disqualified himself due to the insurrection!! Plus I read that the military won't accept felons into service so how can #45 be commander in chief??

  10. Justice is scales of balance. There should be 50% a balance forever. 50% D / 50% R. Period and no lifetime positions!! 15 years with reviews every 15th year.

  11. This man sounds like trump saying there was good people on both sides in Charlottes ville I think it was. I don't like him very much.

  12. Fight for the majority vote for POTUS and senators status, etc can't be just 2 per state with our current system. Too much corruption for politicians running and for their need more mega cash. It's gotta change

  13. Norm Eisen is a PROPAGANDIST. Why is Michael even having a discussion with an individual who claims that the race is close. That is what the media wants 'us' to believe. I see right through that crap. The orange SATAN is losing big time. I predict that the orange SATAN will not even be the nominee. The orange SATAN is completely DERANGED. As for you, Mr. Eisen, SHUT YOUR MOUTH NOW.

  14. There's no reason for the cases of IQ45 to reach appeal to the SCOTUS, but SCOTUS will find a way to rig it and allow it!

  15. Even though Mike went through everything he did. I've never done time in NY but I have California. Now that it's all over you gained a lot of wisdom. In both jail and dealing with your own emotions. Your own greed get you in trouble yourself. You were pissed because you weren't offered the job you wanted. Everyone gets their Karma reduced when you're doing selfish things yourself. I've read your story and you were no boy scout. None of us were. I think of all the guys still in jail. You got lucky because you could be looking at it real long time had you stayed with those clowns. GREED IS A MOFO.

  16. Michael, I would LOVE to see you and Alan Lichtman do a segment together. His track record for picking the winner of the presidency is amazing. Currently, he said a lot would have to go wrong for Biden to lose 💙💙💙

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